Tag Archive for: Fixed

[Openvas] Fixed The request contained an unknown or invalid Host header

12 May
May 12, 2020

Sometimes when install or update Openvas. There is an error message on web browser indicate that “The request contained an unknown or invalid Host header”

The request contained an unknown or invalid Host header. If you are trying to access GSA via its hostname or a proxy, make sure GSA is set up to allow it.

Here is how to solve this problem.

1. Edit /etc/default/openvas-gsa in the ALLOW_HEADER_HOST

root@host# vim /etc/default/openvas-gsa

2. Uncomment the section and add your host.

# To allow <host> as hostname/address part of a Host header:

3. restarting gsad service with /etc/init.d/openvas-gsa restart

root@host# /etc/init.d/openvas-gsa restart

4. Done. Verify the result in web browser.

Fix proxmox repository is not signed.

14 Oct
October 14, 2019

This problem occurred because we are free user without proxmox enterprise subscription and this prevent us from update or install new package. Here’s how to fix it.

1. Comment out proxmox enterprise source.

root@proxmox:/# vim /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pve-enterprise.list
#deb https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/pve buster pve-enterprise

2. Add new proxmox source. Delete old one and put in new source.

root@proxmox:/# vim /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian buster main contrib
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian buster-updates main contrib

# PVE pve-no-subscription repository provided by proxmox.com,
# NOT recommended for production use
deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/pve buster pve-no-subscription

# security updates
deb http://security.debian.org buster/updates main contrib

3. Update new source list.

root@proxmox:/# apt-get update

การเปลี่ยน default mirror ของ kali linux เป็น mirror ไทย ku.ac.th

23 Sep
September 23, 2019

1. แก้ file sources.list

Kali $ vim /etc/apt/sources.list

2. ลบข้อมูลเดิมออกให้หมดแล้วใส่ code ข้างล่างลงไป

deb http://mirror1.ku.ac.th/kali/ kali-rolling main contrib non-free
deb-src http://mirror1.ku.ac.th/kali/ kali-rolling main contrib non-free

3. ทำการ update mirror ใหม่

Kali # apt update
Kali # apt upgrade

FIX Windows 10 keeps adding Keyboard layouts without permission

04 Nov
November 4, 2018

I’m the one who have this problem for several month and tried many fix in the internet. Hope this help for anyone who has this problem 🙂

Windows 10 always add keyboard layout that user didn’t intend to have it like in my case it’s always add UK keyboard layout:

In order to fix this problem you have to do following steps:

  1. Go to setting > Time & Language > Region & Language > Administrative language setting
  2. Under Welcome screen and new user accounts make sure that there are no extra keyboard layout appear in the list
  3. Click OK and Restart PC. This should fix your problem.

****For Window 10 2004 and Later

  1. Go to Control Panel > Clock and Region > Region > Change date, time, or number formats
  2. Go to Administrative tab
  3. Click on Copy settings…
  4. Under Welcome screen and new user accounts make sure that there are no extra keyboard layout appear in the list
  5. Click OK and Restart PC. This should fix your problem.
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